
by Moskito



You can quickly and repeatedly study more than 6,000 questions in each field that often appear in the Kanji Proficiency Test level 3 using a unique question algorithm based on the forgetting curve.Since it is a self-grading system, if you have a question with a kanji that you have completely memorized, you can quickly tap the "correct answer" and go through the questions one after another, making it possible to study quickly like using a vocabulary book.In addition, if you get an incorrect answer, the app will automatically prioritize questions at the appropriate time from the next day onwards, so you can expect to improve your skills.(We use a question algorithm based on the forgetting curve theory, such as incorrect answers will be asked one day later, and if you answer correctly then three days later, if you answer correctly the next time...)In addition, courses such as ``Problems I Wrong Today and ``Problems I Registered as Bad (Manual Registration) have been implemented, allowing thorough review.・About self-grading methodAlthough there is a handwriting space in the answer column of this application, there is no scoring function based on automatic character recognition.We use a self-grading method (tap "correct" or "incorrect" on your own) while looking at the answers.In the case of scoring using the automatic character recognition function,-Learning speed slows down as everything must be handwritten- Wasting time answering questions that you have completely memorized・Your true ability may not be reflected, such as when the correct answer is a kanji you filled in with a vague memory.・There is a risk that the character recognition function will be incorrectly determined.This is because there are concerns such as:Since it is all a matter of self-grading, I think it is important to be strict with yourself.(If you are not confident, we recommend tapping "Incorrect")・About question fieldsThis app has the following question areas.Reading, writing, four-character idioms, radicals, antonyms, synonyms(Does not cover all question areas of Kanjiken Level 3)・About learning coursesThis app has the following learning courses for each field.[Omakase proficiency course]-A mode in which all registered kanji questions are asked using a unique algorithm based on the forgetting curve.-One set of 20 questions will be asked.- Your proficiency level will change depending on whether you answer correctly or incorrectly.[Todays wrong question]-This is a familiarization course where you review the questions you got wrong that day.- Your proficiency level does not change depending on whether you answer correctly or incorrectly.[Problems registered as difficult]-This is a course to review problems that have been registered as weak (manually registered).- Your proficiency level does not change depending on whether you answer correctly or incorrectly.